We need more followers! So if anyone out there reads this blog and likes it, PLEASE follow us! Followers are an incentive to continue posting. We would like to know people's opinions of our world as well, so please put us on your followed list! We like to know you're interested!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sorry for the lack of Post...age...

We've been busy. We were exploring... and it's a long story. Basicly, Crystal and Ish were on their way to the wild griffin enclave, and Cryss found some pretty rocks. and wanted to show them to me, so I flew up there...and I had to bring Evan, because he needs supervision at all times. We were confronted by a group of saber toothed cat things.... and Evan got in a fight with one... and won. So he was their leader, and they fed us weird food that made us like crazy. We forgot how to fly for a while we were like "Hey look, Ish! FLAP FLAP FLAP FLUTTERY FLUTTER" *falls over laughing*... you get the idea. Then on the way back we ran into some of my friends from Meesh, and had to help them get out of some trouble... so yeah. Just telling you that we're still around!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Lack of Water

Crystal and I havn't gone swimming in like... more than a week! :( I feel so... so... dry. It's yucky.

I bleached my hair. I am now about 50% blonde. I also did the tips of my ears to match. It looks pretty cool.

Oh my! ...Cuttlefish.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I is be back.

I'm back from....falling off the face of the Earth....or Elsewhere...nevermind. XP

As soon as I got home, Evan tackled me and started hugging me and wouldn't stop. I swear I felt some ribs crack. And judging by how many stuffed animal parts where laying around, I'd have to make him new ones. I have been busy restocking Evan's supply of stuffed animals.

Yes, I went to explore the Upper Regions of Elswhere with Ish. It was loads of fun. I rafted down a river, hung out with locals and went into a cave. I found prettyful stones and gems that I can make jewelry out of. :D I also bought a necklace from up there.

I haver been busy with...stuff the last few weeks and...yeah...

OH!!! I was visiting freinds on Earth! That's what I was doing!! I visit them every once and a while. When they ask where I've been, I tell them my dad drags me along on these loooong business trips and stuff like that. Sometimes Larks visits with me and I have to reassure my freinds that she won't stab them while they're asleep. :\
[ Larks says: We generally only visit once a month. We don't liek to spend too much time there, so the people here don't worry. We also don't want to become like people of Earth, because people of Elsewhere would follow our lead, and we don't want Elsewhere to turn into a second Earth.]

When Larks visits with me, we usually stay for a day or two. The longest we have ever been was a week and when we got back, Evan wouldn't let go of us for a week...or maybe it was just me... Have you ever had a RAWRcat cling to you? It's not fun at all. It's torture.

[Interjection from Larks: It can be fun. Evan and I like to wrestle XD]

Larks has drawn what we look like on Earth and should put those drawings up.

[Larks is also very lazy and will take a while :D]

And Koray just about ate me while we were gone. And I just about dropped him. But I didn't. That wouldn't be nice. Koray also almost ate my necklace I bought, but I got it away from him just in time. ;3

Larks and I need to go to Ish's foot soon. I need to SWIM!!!
[Larks is about to tell you it's time to go!]

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I have been super busy lately, so I havn't posted in a while, but I don't know why Crystal hasn't. She got back from her trip with Ish a while ago. >.< I had some work to do in the northern regions. So.... in my absence I...
Made friends with a pink cloud krokodie.
Took a ride on a raft thing down a fast river, just for fun.
Found a piece of Ish's egg, it had one of his baby feather on it :D
Played with baby griffins in the wild griffin enclave.
Fell down a very deep dark hole and had to climb out because it was too tight for my wings.
and I'll tell the rest later, I just felt like posting to show that I'm still here.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Animation Pix!

There ya go :\
Crystal needs to get back soon. I is boredificated. and Evan is getting annoying.


Sunday, June 28, 2009


That was the first word that popped into my head. >.<
Anywhoo, Crystal left yesterday to do some work in the northern regions with Ish. I decided to stay behind. Ish left me in charge of the mainland, and someone has to take care of our pets, anyway. At least she took Koray with her. He's at a weird stage where he tries to eat everything. He almost ate my firesnake yesterday. -.-

I've been working on an animated video for the Elsewherian Encyclopedia, and so far, this is what I look like. I havn't made Crystal's character yet.

That's formal/traditional Elsewherian clothing. I added textures to everything, but my computer wont let me export the animation for some reason, so it won't show. >.< Once, I've go tit figured out I'll get the video up, or at least a better picture. The wings need work, and my face is a weird shape...the hands are at a weird angle...but other than that I think it's okay.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Party at Ish's Foot!

In...*looks at clock* 3 hours! :D

I'm making some yummy foods to take along. They're kinda like cookies. I don't know what Crystal is bringing. We havn't gone swimming in a few days, so this should be fun.
I'm working on an Elsewherian encyclopedia for the Earth people. Ish came to visit yesterday. We had a pillowfight. He had to leave before dinner to meet with the flock. We didn't have to go, so we didn't. It wasn't going to be a very interesting meeting, anyway...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Info for Rei

How restricted are the transformation spells all together, and in what ways?

Well, for Crystal and I, the transformation is restricted to how much magic we have. It takes a certain amount of magic to transform, and we're stuck in whichever state until we have the magic to change back, but we're both highly magical, so we don't face that problem often. Crystal told me that you were asking about if there was a midpoint in transformation where we would look humanoid but furry, to that: no. when we transform there's a kind of sparkely goldish bronze shimmer in the air and then we're transformed. She turns into a black wolf, I turn into a winged black cat. But not all transformations are the same. Everyones magical ability is unique.

How would a wizard/scientist/alchemist of Meesh, who is somewhat successful, and also a bit insane's clothes look like?

Well, first off, there are no "scientists" in Elsewhere, there are people that study certain things that, on Earth, might make them scientists, but they aren't referred to as scientists in Elsewhere. In fact, people there don't even know wat a scientist is. I mean, we speak English somehow, but that word just never really caught on. This picture is a good general idea of the clothing he might wear, only no cross symbols, and the clothing would have a black/brown/dark red theme. For Meesh, the hair is most likely a shade of brown, but since he's a wizard, it can be however you like, because if he is successful, he is very likely to have enough power to change his appearance. This appearance is for male. Since you didn't specify, I just assumed that's what you wanted. I can give you the same info for a female, but I'd have to give you a different clothing picture.


What were the special add on spells and races again? (which is where as well).

If you mean the magical tendancies of different races, then...

Islanders - Have control over water, to some degree. Some people can control it really well, others can just slightly bend it to ther will, some can just slightly change the temperature (Like I said before, all magical ability is unique). Some people can cange the shape of trees.

People that live on the coast - Slight water control. Many can communicate with fish, and fish are often attracted to them.

Swamp People and Moose-i - Can change the shape of trees. Slight water control. Slight control over the ground/ dirt.

Desert People - Control over gound/dirt/metal to some degree.

Mountain people - Slight water control. Some can control the weather.

Forest People - Control over trees, some can bring them to life, like they're Tree Ents, only they aren't referedto as Ents...

Meesh/ Afishyah - Slight control over Earth. Many learn dark magics and agressive spells through dark magicians, thought most are not born with magic.

Keep in mind, that these are just guidelines. Stereotypes, if you will. It is possible that an Islander is born with "earth" controlling powers, or a desert person born with Water control. Many people are born with a defensive power, but I didn't list these, because there are soo many, and there dosn't seem to be any are are perticularly regular to a certain area, they're pretty randomly spread out. There are people born with Agressive magic, but don't figure it out, or don't use it because they don't need it.

I hope this answered your questions.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Crystal and I must be part fish or something, too. We swim waaaay too much. We're probably going to the lake or somewhere to swim today, and we're going to a party at Ish's Foot in a few days... We swim AT LEAST once a week... I've got nothing else to say... ttfn.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I want a cookie.

Nevermind, I have one now. YAY!! :D

Well, I finally came up with a lion fluffly design for stuffed animals. I have to catch up with demands of the stuffed animals. Ugh.

I visited with Rei for a week since the last time I've been on. He's thinking about starting a comic. And...yeah.

Yeah, with what Larks said about the screaming at each other underwater. I'm the one that remembers stuff that we scream.
Me:(what I said) I want a cookie!
Larks:(what she thought I said) I raped Pacman. I raped Pokémon.

The last time we went to Ish's Foot, we found some of our freinds there, so we had more fun than usual there. At first it was just Larks and me, then some more people came, then Larka's freind, then more people, then my friend, and then more random people.

Yeah, anyway...we got invited to a lake party at the end of the week. I now for sure I'm going, not sure about Larks, though...and after that, I'm going on a trip for 2 weeks.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Avian City

Crystal and I spent the past 2 days staying in The Avian City for work. It's a series of floating island...things. The Avian City is open to stay in for anyone who can fly there. We were having a series of meetings with Ish and his flock to organize some excursions for mapping the currently uncharted regions of Elsewhere and divide them into districts and assign their oracles.

The Avian City in Elsewhere
This is a sketch/doodle thing I did of one of the islands. That waterfall thing is called the sky water. It flows into Ish's Foot Lake. The thing on the left that all the People/Avians are flying to is called the Stone Nest. It's the main meeting place. The middle tower with the huge spiral staircase is the main attraction to this specific island. It's HUGE. See the five little dots to the middle/ right of it (the place they're on is called The Broken Terrace)? Those are people...well, sort of. They're a bit big for people. They're Griffin-People. Kind of annoying Griffin-People. They try to advise Ish. He's too smart for that, so no worries, but they think they have some control. They're extreme Avianists. They're like white power people, only for bird-people. I'll have to finish this later, duty calls! I've got to go to Ish's foot, something's happened with Circe.

And I'm back. Circe had us called up to Ish's Foot for an emergency. The emergency in question was that she needed us to be at her party. -.- At least it was fun... I think Crystal is going to tell about the underwater screaming at eachother, like we did last time...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My kitten is your chicken.

A lot like "one man's trash is another man's treasure". No idea what to say. Flapdoodle! Flapdoodles are...round...and flappy...and they like to fly upside down. Now I must be off to prepare myself for a very awkward conversation with a villager... CIAO.

Monday, June 1, 2009


That is what Evan has been singing for the last week, since Rei left. When Rei was here, he used Evan's room, so Evan would randomly burst into my room and yell,"RAWRCAT IS ANGRY!!!". It was rather scary. Larks and I think it was because Rei snored...yeah. Because of that, I had to make a human design and make it look like Rei for Evan. He released his anger on it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Aaminnnimg aganib

That was supposed to say "swimming again", but when I typed it, that's how it came out, so I kept it that way. It made me giggle. So yeah, Crystal and I went swimming today, got new tattoos, we got our names written in the alphabet that the Americans on Earth use in cursive on our left arms, and I am cooked. Medium well. stil alive, but edible. We did more experimenting on what you can hear underwater in Ish's foot. We also overheard some weird kids from the swamp talk about Earth (there have been rumors going around since Rei got here), one of them said "You don't tip penguins, it means you're in trouble" and another one made a comment about how the penguins move too fast for you to tip them anyway. We found this weird bouncy rock and were throwing it back and fourth... I kept it. Its name is "Squee".

Thursday, May 28, 2009


There's a bubble. I know it. I've known it for a few days now. Then I found it. In Meesh. It was scary. Then I popped it. It made me go insane and laugh maniacally. I'm okay now. At least I think I am...

A few days ago I had a dream...there was an odd creature... a llama-bird-thing. Then I saw it in Elsewhere. Now it's following me around. I named it Louis.

I forgot to tell you about Jorje. Jorje is a small yellow bird that follows me wherever I go and randomly drops things and lands on my head. Only Crystal and I can see him.

and I forgot about Focuses. They are little creatures that control our trains of thought. Not everyone has one. Some people have some control over their own train of thought. Crystal and I don't. We both have baby dragon focuses. They're named Atticus and Aramis... and very cute :D

Stuffed animals.

Evan keeps on destroying his stuffed animals, and I keep on making new ones for him. I'm the official stuffed animal maker of Elsewhere as well as a higher power. I enjoy making stuffed animals, not so much for Evan, but for the kids of Elswhere. I always carry some with me if I go into major cities.

The other day, I found two lion fluffies on the island and they followed me home, Larks suggested the names Kit and Kaboodle. Right now, they are blocking my view of the screen and begging to be fed. Rather annoying.

And I'm trying to come up with a design to make lion fluffy stuffed animals.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Recent News

We got the American to cooperate. He will remain in Elsewhere, under the name of Rei. He decided to live in Moose-i as an islander, though he doesn't seem too sure. Rather unsatisfied with his options, I think. He didn't claim any animal parts. We will be in contact with him regularly to make sure the transition to Elsewhere life runs smoothly. We gave him the basice Islander power, minimal control over water, he can shape trees since he lives in Moose-i, and he got the ability to throw a fireball. It only works if his life is in danger. Just granted because he's a newcomer and likely to get himself in trouble, since he doesn't know the basics yet, and he can't use it to hurt anybody that wasn't going to hurt him, anyway, so it shouldn't harm anything. He's going to work as a comic book artist and contribute to our entertainment. We'll be giving updates on what he's been up to, and if he makes a good comic, we might share it with you.


Monday, May 18, 2009


We went swimming at Ish's Foot yesterday. We were rather bored because we didn't take any friends along, but we managed to swim a few laps across the lake (which is a long distance, you should know) and screamed at eachother from across the lake. It was pretty funny. I don't remember what was really said, but here are a few funny mishearings. "My backpack is gay", "I think Sue is the president, YEAH!", hmm....there was something about kittens and chickens and squirrels... IDR. I have a bad memory for things I want to remember. As Crystal said, it was a long, cold flight home, my feet and eyes hurting for some reason, and then Evan throwing a fit...bleh. I was wiped out once I got home. AND I had a horrible headache I still havn't been rid of.

Today... I am making rock candy. It's amazing how much sugar can dissolve in heated water. I've gone through one bag already and I got a villager to go out to bring me another one...and it's still not hard to mix in. The water is so dense with sugar that the spoon floats in it. It's disgustingly sweet-smelling...and just...ugh! GRRRRR........

Sunday, May 17, 2009


YAY!!! Today, Larks and I went swimming in Ish's Foot. It was lots 'o fun. We had nothing to do there, so we swam back and forth and screamed at each other underwater. Here is what I remember:

Me: Shall I load my potato cannon?

What Larks thought I said: I think Sue is president, yeah! (or something like that...)

That's all I remember...except that the flight home was very cold, and I, personally, was freezing when we got home. And Evan, our RAWRcat was extremely angry when we got home, because we left the American at home with Evan.

I currently have a paper towel sfutted in each ear to get the water out of them. Now my Focus, Atticus, is trying to pull the paper towels out of my ears.
A Focus is a tiny dragon that stays with you wherever you go. Only certain people have Focuses, not everyone. Larks and I have special Focuses, ours change color with our mood. Other Focuses don't. Larks and I call our Focuses 'Mood Dragons'.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Adventures of May 13

We went flying around, just to see if there's anything new, and climbed the wishing stone, "vandalized" a road (we just used water soluable paint)... visited the narwhal... got a sunburn and flew so much my wings sohuld be sore tomarrow... You know, the usual.

I should be making new pist signatures that match the theme shortly....

Monday, May 11, 2009


That is the first thing I heard this morning. It wasn't pleasant. It was obviously Crystals voice, and Fluffle was gone, he must have heard the noise and decided to check it out, so I went to see what the commotion was. I walked into Crystal's room and saw a slimy blob on the window smiling at her. It's one of those Creepy things. They just like to turn people like Crystal, who freak out like that, into victims of basicly harmless torture. I got it in a jar, and I'll probably take it to Meesh tomarrow to sell it, I'm sure someone there would want it...



My throat hurts from screaming this morning.

Here's what happened:

At 1 A.M. something landed on my window with a splat, I turned my lamp on, and on my window, there was a greenish-brownish blob was on my window. Smiling at me! The smile was really creepy. I screamed bloody murder. That is how bad it scared me. Then Fluffle flew into my room, followed by Larka, who looked confused. All I could do was point at my window, in shock.

Later Larks told me it was a Creepy, not a Creepie. A Creepie is a stick thing that's in Meesh. I've run into one...they aren't fun. Unless it's crazy.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


I think Crystal and I plan on going swiming at Ish's Foot next weekend. It should be fun.
I realized there was something I failed to mention about Elsewhere in the Intro blog. I'm just so used to it that I didn't think of it, but everyone in Elsewhere has a narrator in their head. Mine has a british accent for some reason... I don't know about Crystal's...people generally don't talk about these things... Well, I'm off to make an archive of everything "Elsewhere". Laters.


Saturday, May 9, 2009


The stupid dye is FINALLY coming out of my fur!! I noticed it last night when I was washing my tail! The fur is long enough to cut also. And I need a hair/fur cut anyway, so it's all good. Any new pics that are put up with me in them, I will have my natural color back.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


We got the American Nuisance out of the tree, he had a bad headache, and was hungry, but he's now alive and well. We found out that he just opened his closet door to get dressed in the morning, and wound up in Elsewhere, completely disoriented. We still havn't gotten him to tell us what he wanted with our cat, but we intend to find out soon. We will continue with the interrogation later, Crystal and I have some important land-governing related things to do Ciao.



Yeah, eep! Somehow, someone from Earth got into our world!! The person's name, from what info he told us, is Mephiles. It's a very strange name...he is currently hanging by a rope on one of the trees in the forest by Ish's foot.

He tried to run away with our cat!! He got transported into Meesh!!! Yeah, MEESH!!! NO AMERICAN SHOULD EVER GO THERE!!!!

You are probably wondering how he got transported into Meesh, well, Larks happens to own a few black abysses. There's one in her room, another one in her pocket, and I'm not sure where other one's out there somewhere....over the rainbow.



We found a fairy grove on the island. It had been a while since we'd done any exploring, so we were bound to find something new. Elsewhere changes randomly every day.
Faries are different than the average mental image people have. They aren't little sparkely girls in innapropriately short clothing. They're just little lights shining around, if you look closely you can see the thin wings. The grove really at first just looks like a pretty field with little glowing fireflies or something of many colors everywhere... It's really cool looking. We plan on going back sometime soon...We need to show Ish. Ish likes this kind of thing.

The other day Crystal and I stumbled across some American teenager when we were finding our cat... no Idea how he got here, but I'll let Crystal tell about that.


Monday, May 4, 2009


This is a small, very basic, poorly labeled map of Elsewhere. Better one coming soon...or not. Whatever.

We live on the island in the bottom left corner in the Eels sea. It's called the Eels sea for obvious reasons...It's full of the Eel...things. At the top are the Mrawr Mountains, where we went climbing the a few days ago. South of it is "Ish's Foot", a lake, it's supposed to have healing powers or something...but everyone knows that that's not exactly true... The only other major lake is to the west, You can barely see it because it's covered in words. It's full of ice cream that's always clean. There's a special flavor in te middle that only Ish can get to. He gives it to people who deserve it. It's the ultimate ice cream flavor. Both Crystal and I have had it. We can't tell you what it tastes like though, we were sworn to secrecy. You couldn't really describe it anyway...We think he plans on releasing the secret sometime soon. In the middle is the wishing stone. If you go there you can write your wish on it. Ish, Circe, and ocasionally Crystal and I, read them all and grant the ones that we see as worthy, and leave the rest. Once it's full of unworthy wishes, it magically erases itself. To the southeast there is a desert which is where we tracked the origin of Kitatos to being (probably). There are small towns all along the west coast, where most of the civilization is. The red line is the major trade route. Last but not least, in the upper right hand corner, is an area that doesn't consider itself part of elsewhere, it's full of weird...things and theives and know, the people we manage to keep out, most of the time :) The city of Meesh has some law-enforcement is generally semi-safe to visit. I've been there a few times, looking for a pet luck...but it's a fun place full of unusual things...but slightly unsafe...


Adventures of Recent...

Ish randomly stopped by today to play rainbow stones. It's a lot like marbles, but more fun. Because color changing rocks always increase the entertainment factor of anything you do by at least 10%. I'm not gonna go into the full rules of the game, but basicly you have to hit stones of a certain color to a certain place before they change color. I won 2 of the 7 games. Ish is very good at rainbow stones.

Crystal's fur dye is finally coming out after 3 or 4 weeks. It was supposed to wash out in just a few days, it was a temporary thing to see how it looked. I think she's hoping it's gone by tomarrow, the half washed out color isn't all that great (no offense Crystal...).

I found a red eel today. They're rare, and supposed to be a sign of "luck". Whether this is good "luck" or bad "luck" is yet to be decided...


For Those of You Who Noticed...

For those of you who noticed my ears and hair don't match, that's because I dyed my ears, not my hair...and my natural color is a reddish-brown color. My ears and tail have been dyed for a few weeks now, and should wash out in a few yeah. There's your explaination of that.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pic at beach

Somewhere at the southern end of The Island of KROKODIE.
I don't know how well this pic turned out, on the count of the fact that I can't see it. Give feedback.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's the climbing thing...

Yeah, I don't like heigths, like Larka said...I have no clue why, as I'm flying around a lot...and sky dancing...It could be that I'm a winged wolf person and Larka is a winged cat person...I don't know...


Dancing and Falling

This is Crystal yesterday. She was doing a sky dance. We were wearing protective helmets in case we didn't have time to fly before hitting the ground. They even cut holes in them for our ears to stick out!

C'est moi. Falling. Bad picture.


Climbing Adventures

Well we stayed up late climbing the Mrawr Mts., found some pretty rocks...Crystal didn't climb much, apparrently she's afraid of heights, which doesn't exactly make sense, seeing as she flys all the time, but best not ask questions. We fell asleep on the ground and left early this morning. Once I got back to the island I went to bed for about 8 hours. Now I'm really sore and not looking forward to tomarrow. Too much work to do, not enough strength to do it.


Friday, May 1, 2009

More on climbing

We shall also look for more plain rocks for us to paint on! Sure, our island has rocks on it, but they are rainbow colored, and Ish gives us special rainbow paint that turns different colors as you are painting!!! It's really cool.
I don't know about meeting Cloud Krokodies, though...might be kinda back laters.


Adventures in the Mountains

Today, Crystal and I shall go mountain climbing in the Mrawr Mountains! It's not that dangerous for us since we can fly...but still fun... hopefully we'll see some Cloud Krokodies. They fly in the mountains.
Wish us luck! We shall report on how it went tomarrow.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hello World.

Ahm Larka, or Larks, whichever you prefer. As Crystal said, I am a winged cat person and she is a winged wolf person. We were granted wings at birth by Ish. We both have jobs taking care of the weird animals of elsewhere. We live on the deformed-muffin-shaped island in the eels sea. It's called The Isle of KROKODIE. The small island next to it is the island Ish stays on when he visits. His normal home is in a cloud floating around wherever he wants. We have many pets, a somewhat even-tempered RAWRcat named Evan, a blue eel named Gibs (he lives in a pool on our island), a Kitato named Koray, and a big bird named Loish (preeety and sapphire blue with little bits of purple. He has little wispy feathers on top of his head and long tail feathers very shiny and sparkley. He can make himself brighter or duller as he pleases. He can blind people with brightness if he wants to, of course, only if they deserve it).
and don't be fooled by the "and....WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! flying is fun." thing by Crystal...It is not for those with a weak stomach.

Well, I am off to draw up a map of Elsewhere, Ciao.



In case you need to who is who, I'm the winged wolf person, Larka is the winged cat person. and....WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! flying is fun. that's ALL I have to say about that.
Rawrcats are fun to play with, but they have really bad peoople skills, if you stay around them too long, they get really mad and you have to leave the area for a little while.

Larka at some point should be providing a map to Elsewhere, but I'll have to persuade her on that...she's not too fond about making maps...and I'm no good at drawing.


Intro to Elsewhere

Elsewhere is...elsewhere. wherever you are, you aren't there if you're thinking about it. So to be there, you can't realize that you're there.
The Land is ruled by a griffin named Ish. Everyone loves Ish, he's very nice. He knows everyone by name and all of them consider him a friend.
Everyone is born with a name. No one names you. Most people like the name they're given. You can tell someone's name just by looknig at them. If you change so that your name doesn't fit you, you will suddenly have a new name.
There are a variety of odd creatures, including Circe (a cat-fish thing that has waaay too many weird magical powers and gills. She can change peoples' names), Kitatos (Happens when a potato devours a pregnant cat and has kittens. They have uranium organs and amazing defensive mechanisms.), RAWRcats (basicly human-sized cats that "RAWR" a lot, they have big sharp teeth and are easily angered, but are basicly harmless), a few odd species of birds, weird eel things (they aren't as ugly as eels, they're neon blue, and glow), snakes that swim in land (they're green and blue and have smily faces on their foreheads), talking fish (they have an odd obsession with pajamas), Bubble os Joi (they make you happy when you pop them).
The land is divided into different districts and each one has it's own Oracle. Oracles live a long time. They have wings and know a ton of stuff. Then theres us. We're some other higher power between Ish and The Oracles. We're kinda weird winged cat/wolf people. We're Ish's favorites (He'd never admit it, though.)

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