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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Info for Rei

How restricted are the transformation spells all together, and in what ways?

Well, for Crystal and I, the transformation is restricted to how much magic we have. It takes a certain amount of magic to transform, and we're stuck in whichever state until we have the magic to change back, but we're both highly magical, so we don't face that problem often. Crystal told me that you were asking about if there was a midpoint in transformation where we would look humanoid but furry, to that: no. when we transform there's a kind of sparkely goldish bronze shimmer in the air and then we're transformed. She turns into a black wolf, I turn into a winged black cat. But not all transformations are the same. Everyones magical ability is unique.

How would a wizard/scientist/alchemist of Meesh, who is somewhat successful, and also a bit insane's clothes look like?

Well, first off, there are no "scientists" in Elsewhere, there are people that study certain things that, on Earth, might make them scientists, but they aren't referred to as scientists in Elsewhere. In fact, people there don't even know wat a scientist is. I mean, we speak English somehow, but that word just never really caught on. This picture is a good general idea of the clothing he might wear, only no cross symbols, and the clothing would have a black/brown/dark red theme. For Meesh, the hair is most likely a shade of brown, but since he's a wizard, it can be however you like, because if he is successful, he is very likely to have enough power to change his appearance. This appearance is for male. Since you didn't specify, I just assumed that's what you wanted. I can give you the same info for a female, but I'd have to give you a different clothing picture.


What were the special add on spells and races again? (which is where as well).

If you mean the magical tendancies of different races, then...

Islanders - Have control over water, to some degree. Some people can control it really well, others can just slightly bend it to ther will, some can just slightly change the temperature (Like I said before, all magical ability is unique). Some people can cange the shape of trees.

People that live on the coast - Slight water control. Many can communicate with fish, and fish are often attracted to them.

Swamp People and Moose-i - Can change the shape of trees. Slight water control. Slight control over the ground/ dirt.

Desert People - Control over gound/dirt/metal to some degree.

Mountain people - Slight water control. Some can control the weather.

Forest People - Control over trees, some can bring them to life, like they're Tree Ents, only they aren't referedto as Ents...

Meesh/ Afishyah - Slight control over Earth. Many learn dark magics and agressive spells through dark magicians, thought most are not born with magic.

Keep in mind, that these are just guidelines. Stereotypes, if you will. It is possible that an Islander is born with "earth" controlling powers, or a desert person born with Water control. Many people are born with a defensive power, but I didn't list these, because there are soo many, and there dosn't seem to be any are are perticularly regular to a certain area, they're pretty randomly spread out. There are people born with Agressive magic, but don't figure it out, or don't use it because they don't need it.

I hope this answered your questions.


Rei said...

so in other words, for the transformation spells, if you want to get there, you have to aim there?

Betafish said...

what do you mean?

Rei said...

*staring at picture, mouth wide open* O.o
priestly looking robes? even without the crosses it would still have that kind of effect to me.

Betafish said...

not if red and brown and black. and there are no priests in Elsewhere, so they wouldnt think like that.

Rei said...

I mean, if you want to be a bird, you have to have a spell set up to be able to do that, if you want to be inbetween, you have to have a spell set up for it... etc., etc.

Rei said...

I would think like that, because in some fantasies, there still are unholy priests with those types of colors, not to mention the medieval priests wore black and brown.

Betafish said...

well, some people (Crystal and I for instance) were born with the ability. So really, the spell wasn't "set up". and when the spell is being casted, the caster generally doesn't really pay attention to the transition, it's all about making sure that the receiver of the spell gets from point A to point B. I suppose if they really wanted to the could specify the transition, but if they don't it's all about the wording of the spell, if the say to "change" from a human to a bird in the spell, the transformation would be gradual, if the say "become" It would be instantaneous, if the say "transform" it could wind up either.

Betafish said...

well, there isn't religion in Elsewhere, so we have no need for priests.

Rei said...

*looking up top again* so techinically, everyone has a certain amount of mana, not sure how to increase it, and everyone can eventually run out for a while, and on top of that you have to learn the spell from someone or have been born with it?

Rei said...

where'd you get that picture from anyway?

Betafish said...

Well, some people can generate their own magic and everyone can store some magic within themselves (some more, some less), but a lot of people that use magic often carry an object that can store some magic, like Crystal and I each have a bracelet that stores magic to transform, and I have a necklace that does the same. These objects can collect magic at various highly magical locations, but not everyone can do that because everyone has their own magic tolerance, weaker, less magical people can't stand large amounts of magic. You can buy magic from wizards and magicians. And for transformation, you don't learn the spell unless you're a magician or wizard, you get it cast on you, or, yes, you can be born with it.

Betafish said... I came across the website about a month ago, and don't remember how I got there. It's a store for really expensive life-size dolls.
The idea of having a bunch of life-size dolls in my house seems kindof creepy, but they have cool clothes >.<

Rei said...

so let me get what you just said strait...
people either get transformed by someone or are born with the ability to go back and forth... or if you a magician or wizard, you have a book with the spells in it.

Rei said...

O.o that is kinda creepy... (talking about the life sized dolls)

Betafish said...

You don't get transformed. You get a spell casted on you that lets you transform at will.
There is no book, unless they write it themselves.

Rei said...

heh, "getting transformed" is putting "get a spell casted on you that lets you transform at will." in shorter terms.

*already "borrowed" a book* what?

Betafish said...

Well, the way you put it made it sound like they'd have to get a spell casted on them every time they transform.

from whom, might I ask? and you are no magician, it takes years of training and apprenticeship. You havn't built up enough magical ability for a "borrowed" book to be of any use to you. I would know. Magic is one of my lesser jobs.

Rei said...

we'll see when it blows up in my face.

Betafish said...

Well, you'd have to find out how to use it first. And you have no means of getting the magic for it anyway. So, magic away with your stolen book, it won't get you anywhere!

Rei said...

We'll see.

Betafish said...

no we wont. *steals book and runs away with it*

Rei said...

*catches up and tackles Larka* yes we will! *charges off with the book*

Betafish said...

*calls Ish*

Rei said...

*Rei is imagining this part in his head*
???:here we are, at bookball! the one terrible refrence to football that you humans will never forget!
??: and boy what a great day it is to play, isn't it Juboplex.
Juboplex: no it isn't meat sack Steve!

heh *still running* got to love my versions of the little devil and angel...

Betafish said...

*steals the book and flys away while Rei is daydreaming about "bookball" commentators*

Rei said...

EY! *shakes his head, and scoops up a rock, still running then throws the rock, knocking the book out of Larka's hands* wow, I didn't think that would work! *scoops the book up and continues running, now panting from running so much*

Betafish said...

...Where are we anyway?

Rei said...

*shrugs* I wasn't really paying attention.

Betafish said...

*book snatch*

Rei said...

*clinging to book* bwahahaha!

Betafish said...

*grabs book and opens it up* EMPTY!!??

Rei said...

Yep! now give me back my sketch book.

Betafish said...

*chucks it at Rei's face*

Rei said...

*the sketch book hits Rei's face, and then falls into his hands*
*Rei shrugs.*

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